I saw many stars in the night sky
but I wondered why only a few stars
glow like an ignited soul in the
amidst of large group of stars.
I saw many stars in the night sky then I wondered,
wondered and wondered why only a few stars are bright and beautiful.
I wondered why only a few stars are admired
by everyone.
After a prolonged time of observation and thoughtfulness
I noticed that bright stars are unique and
something inside the core of the star is
pumping it to glow like a 100w bulb.
I looked up at the Night Sky and asked the bright star
"what made you glow like a 100w bulb?" It answered 'find the
inner motivation and move to towards the path which requires
wear and tear, you'll be noticed in the billions of stars in the
I saw many stars twinkling in the night sky.
Some stars twinkled bright and some stars
twinkled dimly.
I wonder when my star will glow like an
ignited soul and realized that I have to
find my find inner motivation hidden in the
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